Vegan Veggie Pulp “Burger”

20180905_200407.jpgHard not to ogle a good stack of yummy goodness… this is not just eye-candy, but satisfying for your whole body.  What’s even better? … the fact that this plant-based patty is chock full of fiber from juicing, thereby cutting down food waste and amping up texture and good-for-your-gut goodness!

Prepare to get your hands messy in the making of this and while you’re eating it, especially if you stack it with the homemade hummus, pickles, and avocado top and bottom as the bun… in fact, get your fork and spoon ready, too!

Here we go…


  • 1.5 cup of veggie pulp (usually carrot, celery, some beets, little garlic and other greens)
  • 3/4 cup mushrooms (sauteed after food processing into a chunky, coarse paste)
  • 1/2 cup cooked sprouted brown or black rice
  • (or 3/4 cup cooked beans (black, pinto, white, or mung beans are fantastic!)
  • 1/4 cup finely diced onions (prefer it raw for texture, but sautee, if you prefer)
  • flax egg (2 Tablespoons ground flax mixed in 5 Tablespoons water)
  • 2 Tablespoon coarsely pureed sun-dried tomatoes
  • 2 Tablespoons of nutritional yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin, dried harissa seasonings or paprika
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • coconut aminos…added just a dash, but it’s optional
  • ripe, but not too ripe large avocado to cut in half and use as buns 🙂


After juicing, get your pulp and set in large mixing bowl and get your hopefully, already cooked rice or cook some to use in this and have for later!  If you’re using beans instead, be sure those are ready…soft and mushably mixable as it will be a good binding agent for the patty. (I like how that sounds–mushably mixable. hee hee)

Food process your choice of mushrooms until it becomes like a thick, coarse, but mushy paste and then sautee in olive oil or some veggie broth.

Prepare your flax egg by mixing 2 Tablespoons of ground flax into 5 Tablespoons of water.  It should sit for at least 20 minutes before using.  Be sure to stir it several times to make it an even consistency.

Finely dice 1/2 cup of sweet onion.

Put mushrooms, rice or beans, veggie pulp, pureed sun-dried tomatoes, flax egg, onions, and all the seasonings into the big mixing bowl.  Mix it up, form into balls and slightly flatten by hand into the patty shape you like.

Place on baking rack for a good 45 minutes for 375 degrees until it’s lightly browned on the outside.  Please flip halfway through.  Stack it up and gently stuff your face 🙂 .  (If you pan-fry these, let me know how it turns out! And be sure to freeze some for a healthy meal later!)






Savory Salad Starring Veggie Pulp

Simple things are just so wonderful… and this all-around do-gooder is a true win-win!


If you have a juicer at home, you most definitely have the pulp.  And if you have a twin-gear masticating juicer like me that presses produce between the gears and then wrings it out as a second step, the leftover pulp is dry enough to have endless uses.  It’s just a matter of thinking about what to do other than compost or add to my puppies’ homemade food (which they gobble up by the way.  They love their wheatgrass and carrot juice slurps in the morning!)  Oops.. I digress, but I love my pups so much!

Okay… the veggie pulp I like to use for this salad is from juicing carrots and celery in equal amounts, then some beets and its greens, some dandelion greens, bit of garlic, and some turmeric and ginger.  I usually end up juicing the ginger and turmeric first and using the pulp to brew some fresh tea, but a bit of it goes in this salad.  However, I let it mostly be made of carrots and celery with a touch of the aforementioned greens.


  • 2 cups of veggie pulp (celery, carrot, some beet with greens, ginger/turmeric)
  • 3-4 Tablespoons of vegan “mayo”
  • 1/2 lemon to squeeze into it
  • 1/4 cup each sprouted pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and almonds (totaling 3/4 cup of nuts)
  • 1/4 cup of finely sliced celery (adding chopped parsley or green onions would be nice)
  • 2 Tablespoons (to taste) seasonings including harissa, turmeric, cumin, oregano
  • 2 Tablespoon of nutritional yeast
  • salt and pepper, and cayenne to taste
  • dash of coconut aminos for a bit of flavor depth

It’s so handy to have as an on-the-go meal with crackers or on a lettuce leaf or wrapped in nori… or as topping on a traditional leafy salad…or mixed (hidden) in meat dishes to sneak some extra healthy love into a loved one.

Try mixing it up!  A sweet version could be to use raisins and crushed pineapple and cut back on the savory seasonings… there really is no wrong way to go about cutting back on the food waste and enjoying this versatile dish.

So keep on enjoying your juice!20180904_171242-11293387572345250755.jpg



Plant-based people unite!  LOL… I’m not a cuckoo about recruiting everyone to vegan dining, but what a true delight it has been to discover all the delicious ways to prepare the gifts that grow out of our soil…the dirt that don’t hurt, that is.  I’m talking about living, breathing healthy soil that is nutrient-rich enough to pass along those gifts to us who want to take it all in.  So, that’s why I go for local, sustainably sourced food from farmers I trust or shop organic in the grocery stores and do my best to fill my plate with whole foods I recognize or ones with simple ingredients. It’s how I and each one of us can be kinder to our planet and ourselves!  …while dining deliciously, too!

So, how ’bout some NO MEAT-BALLS?!  It was worth a try and I will do this again 🙂


  • 1 cup veggie pulp (this round had carrot, celery, some beet greens and parsley)
  • 2 cups chopped mushroom of choice, finely chopped
  • 1/2 onion finely diced
  • 1/2 cup oats or Gluten-Free bread crumbs
  • 1/4 cup chopped parsley
  • 2 Tablespoon white miso paste
  • 2 garlic cloves minced
  • 1 Tablespoon oregano
  • 1 flax egg with 3 Tablespoons of ground flax in 5 Tablespoons of water
  • 1 Tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil
  • dash of coconut aminos
  • salt and pepper to taste… and other seasonings, too!


  1. Chop mushrooms and saute them in olive oil or water, if you prefer.
  2. Process oats, if you are using them in a food processor until finer in texture, like crumbs… or just use GF bread crumbs of your preference (watch out for sugar that is often added to store-bought ones.)
  3. Finely dice the onion, chop your parsley super fine, mince the garlic.
  4. Mix up all the ingredients listed above and let cool down in fridge for 30 minutes to an hour.  Roll into balls by hand–I first used a big food scoop so they would be uniform.
  5. You can coat the outside with a bit of olive oil to help the browning be more even during baking.  Not necessary, but nice to do.  Bake at 415 degrees for about 30 minutes… taste test to check and then enjoy the rest!

Homemade red sauce will make this an excellent dish to make a joint meal with a meat-eater in the the family.  (Turkey meatballs with veggie pulp is the perfect pair!)

I put these NO MEAT-BALLS on a bed of zoodled sweet white potatoes and pea sprouts instead of regular noodles. It’s always nice to have living, sprouted foods on your plate for extra life in your food…and life!



I love when a holiday dish can be an evergreen one and vice versa… this is an anytime meal perfect to pair with veggie pulp “No Meat-Balls” for a family that has committed vegans as well as meat-musters.  Yes, I call them meat-musters because carnivores tend be as dogmatic about eating animal flesh as vegans are about not consuming animal products.  It’s good for all come around one table to break bread and grow toward one another or at least enjoy eating IMG_20180909_121525_336.jpgtogether.

Even this little guy hopes he can join in!  He enjoys his animal protein but is glad he is not served up as a meal like his sister Contessa almost was in Korea before she became part of our fur-ever family.  Find our more about them and the dog meat trade online!

Rocky and Tessa got to eat some raw Kosher Turkey meat before they became these luscious balls full of flavor, so they got their gobble going, too!

We all need more love and care…and I certainly need to practice more mindfulness, which recounting how this recipe came together helps me do while giving thanks for the experience in the now.


  • 1 lb. kosher and organic ground turkey
  • 1/2 cup veggie pulp (carrot, celery, parsley, some beets)
  • 1 large farm fresh or truly pasture raised hen eggs
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs of choice (make your own from stale bread and reduce food waste)
  • 3/4 cup parmesan cheese
  • 3 Tablespoons of cold-pressed virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves minced… try elephant garlic
  • 1/4 cup of chopped parsley
  • 1/2 onion finely chopped
  • 1 shot of organic cow milk (whole)
  • 1 Tablespoon tomato paste
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • fresh basil for garnish


  1. Prepare all the veggies first. Chop onion, mince garlic, chop parsley and put in mixing bowl.  Add cheese, bread crumbs, and tomato paste and then once that is thoroughly mixed together, add your meat and egg.
  2. Put your spices, shot of milk, and olive oil on top and mix this final mixture together, but don’t overdo as over-mixing can make the final result thick and tough instead of firm and tender.
  3. Mix by hand into large balls, coat with some olive oil for nice browning,  and bake for 35-45 minutes.

This turned out so well my husband kept mumbling and wondering why it was so good when a vegan made it! LOL.. isn’t life funny?  The homemade vegan red sauce probably helped 🙂

As I mentioned, this is a great option to bring the family together with the No Meat-Balls available on this blog…

Thank you!20180909_112558.jpg

Until we meet again


I celebrate his life and will never forget him.

We laid him to rest today after a life full of great overcoming. He was 72. I miss him, but am so grateful for the treasure he was to me on Earth and the eternally impactful gift he leaves me…answering my deepest relational query before my Maker.

I write this remembering my long visit recently with him in which I got to hold his stroke-withered hand, tell him how much I love him, how greatness reveals itself through him in the face of his most staggering heartbreaking journey. His response? Said with a quieter-than-normal Korean man’s grunt, “I have a lot more to work on on the inside.” My heart broke open more in the ensuing palpable silence and from that moment began this unexpected confluence of revelations.

I wrote this poem to describe my uncle:






In the throes of final arrangements and interactions with family and his friends, I am hit more deeply and see more clearly the gift he truly was.

You see, I battled anger lately about how I come from a lineage and family that is so stubbornly, incomprehensibly self-sacrificing and given over serving others… as I had lingering thoughts that this may have further compromised uncle’s already hardship-wracked life and body. He could barely walk, yet he would load himself down with things others needed and delivered them on foot! That’s just one example.

I have seen too much (and too often) injustice; unfairness…things clearly “wrong” done towards those I love, including uncle. But then, in the time since his passing, my own angst and prayers were addressed. The answer from the quiet of His Spirit unlatched the prison encasing my hurting heart : real, eternally rooted love is unreasonable. And so, that’s why it is also hard to accept the endless, unfathomable, boundless, overcoming love of God, Agapeo, because it makes no sense to a finite human until the connection and flow from God is established and flourishes. It is still hard for our human hearts–oh, the deceitful beauty of humanity. But prioritizing this flow from heaven is essential in this life because it allows the liberty only eternal election can provide. For me, this means as much self-forgiveness as the forgiving of others. Still, it’s hard to quiet the wish I did more, with more care while uncle was still with me on Earth.

As the last human to see him and embrace him in this world, I am so unspeakably moved and grateful… I got to hug him and smother his chubby right cheek with kisses. For this, I am so joyful.

Pained with gratitude, I weep that I got to see how a human who seemed to “need” so much due to his disabilities and heartbreaks pursued and found true peace…showing me how to live with the love of God in Christ and reliant on that bountiful provision alone. He showed me how one’s true hope and expectation can be on the Heavenly Father with no other dependence to cause one’s soul and footing to waver too long. Because of my family’s faith and especially in this time, due to my uncle (and my mom whose heart bears her brother’s likeness,) the deepest relational puzzle has resolved for me. Having my heart ever full, and buoyant overflowing in God’s peace and love is indeed possible in the face of any painful situations with any other soul, including those in my innermost circle…for is it not when we are most vulnerable, the deepest soul wounds can happen? Yet, it requires brokenness to be made more whole than otherwise possible. The how of this is my own path with steps to discover, but I know that because my uncle proved it possible, it truly is for me, too.

Thank you God…Thank you Jesus for overcoming death, hell, and the grave and giving me real hope. I look forward to seeing my beloved uncle as he was first intended to thrive on the other side of eternity.

“My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.” Psalm 62:5


walking and growing in faith…


A gift from a friend to remember my uncle.

A gift from a friend to remember my uncle.