Nuances of next steps

I celebrate the good. A goal I decreed for myself–keep my thyroid and body intact. Goal attained. Surgery and radiation may be what was pressured upon me like a battering ram, but I knew it was not for me.

3 years into a holistic-centered cancer healing journey, virtually every medical professional–western, to eastern, to functional, to integrative now says I made the right choice.  I didn’t realize how many flavors and shades of tears there could be… and how character-building it is to show up no matter what no matter how I felt or feel on any given day.  My word is my bond… to others as well as to myself now…and especially those lifted heavenward.

It has not been an easy path, but one in which I have learned more than ever that making one’s own choice and following through in the face of many fears thrown in your path is the way of great illumination and ascendence.  Broken Hallelujahs are  most beautiful says one song…  raw truth and deconstruction certainly must be complete before a true commissioning.  

I made some impatience, ego-driven missteps and barely survived a natural immunotherapy protocol which taught me a great deal about adverse drug reactions that often go unrecognized globally.   Not everything so-called safe and effective or touted as well-tolerated by others is best-suited for all.  Indescribably humbling.  It was whole lot of hell God walked with and led me through.  And so when I felt very much alone, I knew deeply I never was.  

Now I turn to continuing to restore these tired bones by divine design…refocusing the bigger battle in reversing the physical and even some intangible causative factors that allowed cancer to find a welcome mat once upon a time in my body.  
All I know right now is that I am grateful.  Christ has never felt closer.  I’ve never been more ferocious in tuning and sharing my voice and safeguarding the constructive and altruistic expression of others.  Somehow I know I have been freed unto a greater providential ownership of my life and purpose wherever and with whomever God leads.  All I know is that my life is becoming more about saying yes to my Maker and no to everyone and everything else that diffuses this devotion.  I cherish God’s wisdom.

It was needful for me to walk solo through the dark for a long, long while.  Makes it such a delight to walk and dance in the light…and I hope to be given opportunity to facilitate such space for others.  Thank you to God… and to those special humans sent by a loving heavenly Father let my soul breathe and my Spirit soar along the way. 

May we not fear the threat of death but to desire to and thus truly live.

A Woman’s Knowing

International Women’s Day causes me to think on all the ways I am WOMAN! (not necessarily roaring…but steadied, redemptive, and sure.) Even with all the struggles in the workplace, to gender/role expectations in relationships, to anatomical matters that come with the doubleX chromosome, I am truly glad to be fully female. Moments of wondering what it would be like to be otherwise flees away quickly when I think upon the wonders of womanhood.

I have loved beautiful dresses and gowns–always have thanks to my mom and dad to worked their immigrant bottoms off so that I would not be in want for the simple or extra things. Thanks to my parents, I remember what it felt like to feel like a princess, beloved and prayed for, yet be able to understand at a young age how weighty the responsibility is for a woman to keep a family together with our intuitive, giving nature and strength to humbly and ferociously protect and sacrifice. As a grown woman who still loves dresses, (but not dressing up as much!), a wife, as well as a mom to pups, I have most recently been extra grateful for what I do not know.

Through the rigors of innumerable conviction-testing unexpecteds in life, I am learning how valuable it is to have a grip on what is just beyond my cultivate the warrior woman with a war-ready stance balanced by the unshakable quiet confidence that comes from many, many hard-won skirmishes and battles. I face each steep wall, treacherous mountain, darkest depths, and bleak outlooks with a certain levity (on an increasing number days now!) Certainly this, whatever it may be, cannot fell me–have you seen the triumphs in my fresh-worn path?!

Mistake me not, I truly grieve and mourn and rage in our world’s plethora of wounds, hurts, injustices… and most profoundly in the space where the dearth of forgiveness for others and for myself hollows out humanity’s soul the most. In life, there are times one must stand very solo. But I can stay in a progressive process from faith, to hope, to a radically transformative love because of all I have come to know –more of who I AM in my maker Abba YHWH. Only my God in Christ knows me all the more richly than I can appreciate…able to call me up to the wonders I know not yet within me by His majestic design. Sweet mysteries…

With Him, I know I can walk ever forward, head high with eyes on horizons I trust will always be replete with unimaginable satisfactions and boundless joys.

Jesus loves me. This I know. And that is enough for me.

For those asking for how I overcame cancer and the injury that gave rise to it, find my wellness journeys (coming soon) at , and @janeparksmith on IG, twitter, and FB. I have realized there is artistry in natural healing, walking in faith, and how I get to choose life in each and every way, everyday. I AM WOMAN. BLESSED. BELOVED. FEROCIOUS. #artistslife indeed! Thank you!

Her Great Green Goodness Shake

This shake is as potent and delicious as health-giving shakes go…and the intensity of the vibrant green color of it underscores its nutritive value.20181031_134540140135380534102081.jpg

It can be made to the consistency of soft serve (how I love it,) or as liquid-y as you prefer!  Or, you might want to add more Tocos and ice in a power blender like the Vitamix, put it in the freezer for 30 minutes or so and then scoop it out and add some toppings for a real good-for-you dessert.  I crave this like crazy, so I have it at least every other day as I developed it to meet my detoxing, nutrifying, cytotoxic needs as part of a overall get whole and healed lifestyle.  Adjust it to your liking and amp up the greens in it as you can tolerate and enjoy!

INGREDIENTS: (for about 12 ounce portion… I usually double b/c I always want more as it becomes a superb meal replacement or afternoon pick-me-up!)

  • 3/4 cup mylk (unsweetened,carageenan free non-dairy beverage- I love macadamia)
  • 2-3 Tablespoons nut and/or seed butter (I prefer a mixed version)
  • 1 1/4 cups ice
  • 1 Tablespoon lignan-free flax oil (Barleans or Spectrum brands are great)
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon to Tablespoon of each: Moringa, Spirulina, Chlorella (go for more!)
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon of Maca (add Ashwaganda if you have it for an option)
  • 1 heaping Tablespoon of Lucuma
  • 1 teaspoon Ceylon Cinnamon
  • 2 Tablespoon Tocos (rice bran powder-makes it smooth and creamy, but not a must)
  • 1 teaspoon (at least) of vanilla extract or vanilla bean paste
  • 1 serving/scoop of your favorite organic green powder for variety (see image below)
  • 1 Tablespoon of monkfruit granules or pinch of stevia to your taste
  • use banana or dates to sweetened if you  must and prefer over the above


Simply blend it all up and make as thick or thin as you would most delight in and sit to enjoy the ultra healing you’re ingesting.  No kidding that it helped me detox from metal toxicity quickly, kept my cravings at bay, kept me satisfied for hours, and gave me a vast spectrum of minerals, protein, and vitamins I needed to recovery from many a health compromise over many years.

I must warn you… once you get this down to where you like it, you might get hooked!

It’s fun to top this with chlorophyll or E3 as I recently did to make this post with hemp and coconut shreds, but do as you please!

20181031_1344577630568153708443409.jpgMuch health and joy to you!

p.s. my other two shake/smoothies in rotation are called Hi-C-me, Cacao-Mente, and Avo-matcha… those will be posted and shared soon, too.

p.p.s… if you make and post this, please tag me on IG! @eatscommunity and @janeparksmith

AND NOW, TO MAKE IT A REAL TREAT FOR YOU AND MAYBE SOMEONE SKEPTICAL ABOUT HOW GREAT AN EXPERIENCE GOOD FOOD CAN BE…MAKE IT INTO SUPERFOOD “ICE CREAM”~ (just put in freezer 30-40 minutes, scoop it out, garnish in a hurry, and serve it up!









Read the notes tied to each image for more information and perspective.




Riveted! Movies For Grownups Gala

wpid-20150202_202827.jpgThe first time I was privileged to attend AARP’s stellar MOVIES FOR GROWNUPS gala, I was thrilled and humbled to be included in such a prestigious event.  Now, this second time for the 14th annual gathering, I am even more awestruck with the entirety of the experience…and I am not one to be easily starstruck nor bowled over by Hollywood’s bright lights and glitz. This private affair awash with such seasoned celebrities so comfortably mingling throughout the evening with a certain unpressured assuredness: the impact, ineffable.  While most were not quite my social or age cohort, I also found myself surprisingly relaxed in their midst as I felt free to firm footedly enjoy being one openly hungry to learn …what a gift to be uninhibited, fully inspired by those in the evening’s spotlight. These industry veterans and honorees certainly have so much to share… I wonder if even they realize just how much…



Jane+Park+Smith+14th+Annual+Movies+Grownups+MACr4uNEaZYlAs one’s journey through life and vocation was oft celebrated this evening, it similarly was in the process of giving these well-deserving artists their just desserts throughout the event that so many deeply authentic words and moments poured forth onto all who would hear.  In earnest hope that such sagacity be not lost on the youth, I am sharing just some particulars here so that the impact and exhortations be not lost or wane over time for me.



Hosted by an appropriately irreverent-enough John Leguizamo, my awesome mentor and friend, first Assistant Secretary for Aging for the Adminstration on Aging, and esteemed AARP board member Fernando Torres-Gil and I chuckled through the program in appreciation of the host’s smarts and wit that spanned the decades of perspectives in the room.  After the stars of The Theory of Everything lauded all whom worked with them, especially showing sweet regard to the people they depicted so heart-rendingly beautifully, Leguizamo referred to Hawkins’  hope-infused battle with ALS with as much respect as well-intentioned levity to further engage an already enthralled audience.



In listening to the non-speeches offered from this adept group of professional storytellers, recurrent themes of human struggle, compassion, and exuberant overcoming illumined a palpable unifying spirit in the room.



It’s about how you live… not how you lose,” said Julianne Moore as she ended her time at the podium, calling out the heroism in those who fight all manner of debilitation and impossible odds.  In fact, 65% of those with Alzheimer’s are women and 2/3’s of their caretakers are also women.  Staggering.  Sobering. With 20% of the America anticipated to be seniors in 15 years, who can turn away from this disease that, according to Maria Shriver, “has no survivors,” except, I add, the heartbroken who remain. I speak of the family members and dearest friends of those claimed by the disease who wish their loved one had not struggled and suffered so much spiraling indignity and cognitive decline before passing into a beloved, living memory.

Surely, such dreaded fears can bind us or motivate us to become free and compel us to continue to work together, recognizing how much we need one another to become our best as an individual and as one, like-minded group.  A man who surged into acclaim by his daring to direct for the first time ever at the age of 74 helped expunge my acculturation toward timidity when he said that he “wanted to do something that truly terrifies (paraphrased)” him while standing onstage accepting praise for the results of his intrepid dream-doings (my neologism for passionate callings acted upon). Israel Horovitz is a new force in filmmaking I look forward to working with one day!

In togetherness, so many greater possibilities lay waiting to be unveiled to the esteemed adventurers who dare to continue to transgress against conventional needs for safety nets. With necessary abandon, such intrepid artists feed sustainably off a certain, collective bravery linking peers pressing onward to that tireless directive to affect change with a unique signature only their own. “The JOY of what we get to do all the time is collaborate,” said J.K. Simmons as his stream of consciousness talk showcased his style of steps taken deliberately in search for truth in the work, with a self-deprecation so very real and remarkably human.   So much of what was shared was simple, yet grand in its universality…and then came the key call to rise and go forth.

Kevin Coster.  Yes, I intended that to be just one sentence.  It should stand alone as plain and powerfully as the man who bears the name. After embracing his AARP status due to his “f-in’ birthday,” he continued to share from his heart, “I would simply and respectfully ask you to look back and then to look inward for the dreams you once had…some realized, some not… and then, like an athlete, I would ask you to look up at the clock.” Framing the activism that can make the 60’s a heyday of laurels to rest upon, he quips, “can’t we just forget the 60’s… well no, not for the next 5 minutes…” “…and no, I am not kookoo… I know that One Direction was the most popular band in the country last year, but the 3rd most pop band was the Rolling Stones. In fact 15 of the top grossing tours last year, half of them were over the age of 50.”  Reminding the older Americans of their vitality and the necessity of their re-emergence in the world today, he continued,



I think our generation still has time to fulfill it’s promise. I think winning and losing is still before us.

we were the first generation that knew something was broken and we weren’t afraid to take it on. The difference was we were teenagers, right, we were in our twenties… but something is still broke.” And hearkening back to the call to be as an athlete keeping track of the tick-tock, he shares his experience in preparing for the movie 13 Days. Reflecting on his a private conversation in the Oval Office with then President Kennedy, he shared a bit of it,

you need to know the inning Jack; you need to know the score. You need to know how much time you have left in the game.

In his most gentlemanly way, he mindfully refused to ramble on into the late night and made his point that heralds the need to fight ageism in our youth-centric society.

“…we still are the boomers… we are not just old dogs looking for one last fight.  I think we have a chance to stand taller than we ever thought was possible.  I think we have a chance to go out with a bang… there’s still time– I don’t now how much, but there’s still time…”-Kevin Costner

How much time will we waste or redeem either by maintaining the silent status quo among our brightest and most experienced elders muffled largely by a brooding atmosphere of disregard or by bringing out the best in the babes as well as our currently under appreciated and overlooked seniors.  Careless dismissal from some does not negate true relevance. I deeply feel intergenerational bridges must be restored or built anew.  Perhaps some of the answers we are looking for in our youth to solve current and future ills can and should be addressed now alongside the Greatest Generation.

Ironically, is it not our elders who by blood, sweat, tears, and unimaginable sacrifice allowed so much of our present day freedoms to lull many of us into our exclusionary comfort zones?  Then, I propose it would be apropo to invite and empower our elders to arise out from under the isolation and doldrums they feel sequestered in. There is a larger picture… prevailing winds to take heed to. When our elders in times past have borne so much of the cost and we bear the burden of option-paralysis in a consequential burgeoning of conveniences, what ominous personal, national, and global costs and unbending taskmasters are we ignorant of that are unfavorable and imminent, and being so, reparable?  The legacy of a great American hero and wise elder who passed in 2014 drives home the value in taking account of ourselves in the context of community.

jon louie jane


Louis Zamperini not once, in our nearly 20 years of friendship built upon a shared faith, nostalgic meals, tea-time, and sunroom chat sessions ne’er pricked me with any self-lauding woes or wooed me with tales of his history-making service to God and country.  He was just my “dear Louis” and I, to him, seemed to be a promising and ambitious whipper snapper he had to pray toward the most prudent path.  His prayers certainly paved many a blessed, narrow way for me. In reflecting on his life and shared memories together, I see now that he simply enjoyed the wonders of living, relishing the fruits of his giving due to heaven’s grace poured into his life.  He gave so much, he was too busy to think of his own comforts and wanted nothing more than to appreciate sweetness of transformed lives in times of peace.  I wonder if I cherished him enough… and I ache with the wish I would have somehow loved him more.





In addition to listing the award recipients below, I want to honor the awesome AARP Foundation for casting a high standard for our future, inviting all generations to join. I also give thanks Mary “Margy” Drumheller in particular who welcomed me again to this event as Fernando Torres-Gil’s guest. Certainly, Fernando’s gracious and firm support in many areas of my life further compels me to highlight the beauty and value in advocating for the more “mature.” This celebratory event continues an eye-opening experience I am deeply blessed to enjoy being inspired through!

For more information, please visit www.AARPFOUNDATION.ORG and learn more on how on the Drive to End Hunger in the U.S. and serving Los Angeles seniors.


wpid-2015-02-03-22.42.56.jpg.jpegCAREER ACHIEVEMENT Kevin Costner

BEST PICTURE The Theory of Everything

BEST ACTOR Steve Carell, Foxcatcher

BEST ACTRESS Julianne Moore, Still Alice


BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Rene Russo, Nightcrawler

BEST DIRECTOR Richard Linklater,Boyhood

wpid-20150202_185927.jpgSCREENWRITER Nick Hornby and Cheryl Strayed, Wild









BEST FOREIGN FILM Diplomacy(Germany/France)