6. GRITTY DAY-TO-DAY TO-DOs with JOY! Resurrection Every Day!~

Cycles of life, death, and resurrection are ever-present in me and in all life. And in this I celebrate by giving fully of all of me while surrendering totally to the process designed by the One who made me and all of what we see and don’t. I have unwittingly come to know fear quite well and what it takes to face it and choose to trust that my fallings are not failings. Furthermore, I have come to know and trust and choose faith–that in My Abba Father’s hands and plans, my lows are prophetic toward the highs coming based on perseverent pursuits of the promises of goodness and triumph secured by Christ’s completed mission He has given to me continue. And so I shall, empowered by a greater love and life than I could with within me alone. It’s not a simple pat of “do it afraid”… to me, it’s more a matter of being more certain of the why I must rise again and again and in the process fear will flee from me.

Jesus’ complete mission, you ask? It’s his Resurrection Power I get to make real — something I meditate to take in as my own daily. In reflecting upon the magnitude of the eternity-changing-reality. my knees buckle with joy. It’s true. In the secret places I get to hang out with El Elyon The most High G-D, I am not only stilled silent, but sometimes get a giddy feel-good grace that effervesces throughly (not thorougly, but throughly.) I have grown to recognize that my trials and crises have not molded and defined me. Rather, in laying wide open to God’s guidance through the wilderness, His ever-present being and implanted identity in me through the seed of Christ has made me like Jesus and more like him in time and by joint intentionality.

Many have asked me why I just didn’t get “rid of the “problem” and use radiation or surgery. It was often not worth answering because no one knows clearer than the One who made me what the most urgent, life-threatening, or worst problem was in my life that a cancer diagnosis may just by sounding alarms to bring attention to. Besides, G-D is the best surgeon and I believed that He could resolve and/or remove any “problem” and leave the adjoining, healthy life to thrive. Only He could best divide as finely as between soul and spirit as well as between bone and marrow (Hebrews 4:12) and it is in that fine of a wisdom and discernment I wanted to rest to be restored. All in His Time. And I’m blessed to believe and receive the intangible and then palpable Spirit-kissed Resurrection this day and every day. And now, a present-look at a part of my healing journey not too far past.

When many of us get a diagnosis of some unwanted kind, like cancer, most of us, me, included, wanted an action plan to tackle and take down the offender. While I share in this blog entry the entirety of my bullet points of what I did on a day to day basis and how it changed every few weeks or months, it is not a whole picture, so it one that can be informative or paralyzing. It really depends on where you are at in helping yourself or a loved one heal… The most important thing I learned is to get grounded within and quiet enough to really hear. For me, I needed to hear the quiet leading of my God through it all and sometimes I did and other times my humanness in its fallibility and desperation overruled that essential and often elusive place and position of being God’s beloved one held in Shalom. Sometimes that uphill climb to the mountaintop is a long, windy one, but one step at a time, right? I hope the document included in this post offers some help to your healing. Thank God for grace; I AM A WORK IN PROGRESS!

The goal in the first wave of self-administered therapies and radical changes was to make cancer cells commit suicide (apoptosis) and reset the landscape of my entire body to make it hospitable for proper life to be able to grow and flourish making it uninhabitable for confused and unhealthy versions of cells.

The attached .PDF document gives you just the bare bones of the all-out war against and for the two sides of life in my physical body. It is a lot to take in as it was a lot to do, but the deeper, necessary work did not come until I realized it would not be by my striving or force of will through which I would heal, but accepting the process by which I must journey to allow what is good and only good to remain. Much of the early steps outlined that I took were superficial in that light, but necessary to begin the growth and self-maturation process with gusto and drive. With great determination comes greater disappointments…and the deepest reckonings necessary to progress. This journey…particularly fraught by this reality in its beginnings.

So, back to some nuts and bolts. You know now that a water fast was my 1st drastic decision, then going totally vegan, gluten-free, and eating only whole foods I could recognize from the good soil of our Earth… and then came a RAW FOOD only month to detox and reset my body even more. That was challenging, delicious, hellish, isolating, yet empowering… but since much of this journey is deliberate and by fully conscious choosing, setting up a reward system is quite valuable. I got child-like about it and was good to myself … I gave myself a happy-face each night for a day of raw food only eating. It made me feel good to see all the smiles as I stood strong each day knowing I was doing my body good. I still love seeing this pasted on the interior of a kitchen cabinet door.

I caution you, though, not to just study this attached document and replicate parts of it in a vacuum. There is no formula and a healing process is so personal, it is as inextricable as the very breath of God given each of us. So, as you peruse the .PDF document, you will find some added journaling to mark the milestone moments along the way… MAKE SURE YOU NOTICE THAT CHANGES MADE EVERY FEW WEEKS AND MONTHS AS IT WAS DIRECTED BY WHAT I INTUITIVELY FELT I NEEDED OR SPECIFICALLY WAS TOLD MY BODY NEED PER MY BIOCHEMIST’S BODY SYSTEM READINGS. All the choices are to support life and naturally. Remember that our bodies are always changing and need to be addressed as a dynamic organism …and with great care!

After writing about a few more major big deal action items that I felt I needed to incorporate, I’ll begin to share why I went to a clinic in Mexico #HOPE4CANCERCANCUN to get holistic treatments and additional help… I committed to a larger facility for help even after some tests from a biochemist showed I no longer had malignancy readings on his tests. Lots of reasons for that.

Hope this nitty gritty daily list (of lists) of my round-the-clock healing regimens offers some direction and understanding that this approach of allowing one’s body to heal while disabled mechanisms that fuel chronic disease takes a willingness to change everything radically and never look back–no matter how long it takes.


Because I was handmade. Because I was chosen to travel the wilderness. Because I am blessed to see the end of much as well as the victorious end of beginnings… I awaken to embrace just how thankful I am to be find an entire landscape of my life razed because a greater promise comes to be established upon a surer foundation within and around me.

Tearfully acknowledging there must be God-reasons so much of my life is starting again from ground zero… I am quickening in the realization that the most preeminent physician is presiding by my welcome and surrender. I am being intentionally broken in every physical and intangible place my Maker. I asked and wanted…and welcome more of this betterment process. Hurts everywhere but for better life later. So I give thanks for Resurrection more than ever as I continue to walk through humbling, resetting rehabilitation of my innermost being and physical one too… Consider how earthly doctors break to heal so that a ideal, proper human functionality can take hold and thrive by design. That has limits but THE I AM THAT I AM does not. In HIM, my potential is most capable of bearing full fruit. This excites and motivates me to see beyond the temporary to a profound, perfecting permanence. BEAUTY — BECAUSE BROKENNESS BRINGS LIGHT THROUGH.

I rejoice in this time of learning. I am blessed. I walk this way, never truly alone… unto greater promises through the pain which serves His purpose by my asking… BECAUSE I AM LOVED BY GOD. I am overwhelmed often in this meditative place before Him and burst forth into the unknown with JOY.

What a timely awakening for this RESURRECTION SUNDAY. Thank you ABBA YHWH for my YESHUA!

4. Beyond what I think

More and more, studies show that our heart sends more electrical signals to our brain, not the other way around… So how and how intensely we feel about what we deeply, truly believe, changes our entirety. Our hearts produce EMF. Our hearts are the body’s strongest electric field generator- 5000 times stronger magnetically than our brain (according to #drmarkhyman! Imagine how much of an impact we have on ourselves and one another… So I now so value my Father God who cared so much about the state of my heart and my emotions that He would speak to me in such a way to help me see a way forward to how He wants me to heal unto complete completeness. I share this today because it is a special week of celebrating miraculous life from Palm Sunday to Resurrection Sunday.

So, as you know form my last blog, I had the promise from that prophetic song that I would indeed overcome, but when here feels so far from there… what’s the bridge between the now and then?

As much as I believed and believe more as years go by that the mind is a most powerful mechanism to change our world, it can also get mixed up with striving by an ego-driven outlook to achieve and that was something I knew I could not intuitively afford in the precarious situation I felt I was in. I needed something beyond what I could muster on my own at the time and I much more than just practical answers of changing diet, lifestyle, and well…changing everything. I needed to know that doing all that it would take to heal in totality would be worth the who-knows-how-long process it would become. I got my uplift in what some would call the night watches.

Sleeping was never a forte for me and it was one of my first struggles to change my lifestyle for healing. I needed to get over the guilt over sleeping more than 5 hours as I felt there was always so much to be done and so much I could be doing instead of unproductive dormancy. I drove myself around the clock and even when I tried to sleep, it would often elude me until I starting taking medical-grade cannabis oil and suppositories for the anti-cancer benefits that I started to sleep a lot. But before that, I would toss and turn and then return to my computer to work… and one week morning, I felt that this notion of suffering through life matters wrestled with me until I came to terms and at peace with this :

In fact, once I finished this meme, I felt an instant release to be able to rest and I wandered into bed with a great sense of peace. And my next night visitation came and confirmed my sense that suffering can often be changed by a choice to be wielded for our utmost good. As I dozed I had this otherworldly sense of pure joy rise in my heart and core area… almost to the physical extent that I felt I was holding a big bouyant beach ball… I was nearly awake in this state of sleep stupor and in my deepest being, I knew I had received a big gift of strength through joy for the journey of choices before me. Then that beach-ball lowered into my core and into my being…a strange enmeshing I was wide awake to know it was not just my imagination. There is the unseen more real world that loves the world we can touch. To overlook this reality is a shame that I had done for much of my life.

In my humanness, I still pressed for more in my recurrent dismay that I needed a reason or many deeper reasons to keep on going when the last decade of living in obedience and trust of my Maker was relentlessly crushing and often devoid of much earthly reward. The answer I was sent surprised me. And it’s often when the spiritual message I receive is not logical to me that confirms to me that it is indeed not me, but from beyond my limited flesh.

Of course, the answers I get from God often come in times when my resistant conscious brain cannot protest very much and since my Creator God knows me well, I got a dream. In this very vivid dream, I saw myself at a table signing things for visitors. it was not headshots being autographed. They were books I was signing … they were books where my rescue pups were the stars… and this is the main thing–I FELT HAPPY. I actually felt something other than sad or mad or nothing. I felt something. I felt happy. This reminded me that happiness was a real palpable sensory experience. I had been without it for so long, this guided me toward a productive creative outlet that could keep the happiness going and growing in my life. How I felt awakened me out of sleep. That was it! I knew that I had a future that would include working on books about my pups even though it had been 6 years since my first charitable book about them.

This dream awoke me… that I could be–that I would be happy once more. That was what I really needed–that an all out fight to live would be worthwhile and that my life indeed has purpose and value…even more so perhaps because of this process of refinement. I held on and continue to hold onto that powerful dreamlike vision. I realized that I also needed more happy in my life overall. Don’t we all?

I was and still am quite happy (yes, HAPPY!) that God chose to answer my earnest pleas so sweetly. Thank you Abba.

DAY 28. As of 6pm–A very Good Friday has started, indeed…

oooooover the midweek hump-yeay!  I was exhausted today, however… long day at the hospital yesterday wiped me out.  Good news is that dad is recovering well at home 🙂

Was feeling ick…really just wanted to eat something soft and decadent… even a banana with yogurt or apples with raw honey and cinnamon sounded so dreamy…  I did do an infrared session, so at least that was warm and comforting.  Happy to say my former reflex to just pick up various foods when I am prepping in the kitchen and shove them into my mouth has gone…although I did lick my fingers of various liquids–should discard that habit, too.  Note to self– This is a journey…not a destination.

I was telling my husby last night that even the “advanced” Nektar cleanse juices are for juice-newbies… not dense enough in my taste for nutrition-packed liquids.  What sufficed the first week of this juice fast just is not cutting it during this final week.  I need more goods–so I put spirulina in their lemon drink and lots of other barley grass and carrot powder from HAcres.com in their green drinks.   Plus, they just taste flat in contrast to the home-slow-pressed juices and those I have purchased from cold-pressing juice stores–these Nektar juices almost make me nauseous…and the added stevia or agave in some of the cleanse juices doesn’t help.  It’s just too sweet and conflicts with the natural goodness of the juices.  Ah well… I’ll grin and bear it the next couple days and just keep jazzing them up with my own additions and making some of my own that I can look forward to!  I have to admit, though, that my dissatisfaction with this week’s juices have to do with that fact I am “over” having liquids and could really use some stuff to eat at this point.   Regardless, when I make my own, they do certainly taste and make me feel better…

Just pressed some pineapple juice (delish!)…and a concoction of melons, basil, & lemon… I am looking forward to the melon soother in a bit.

One thing I am excited about is the big order I just put in at luckyvitamin.com .  My Vega powders, and raw hemp with maca and E3live are priced nicely there and when I went through their special sales sections, I found tons of great bargains including many of my favorite raw food snacks at 2/3rds of their regular cost.  Plus, I ordered enough to get free shipping! So, a treat for my slow and deliberate chewing satisfaction next week!… or whenever it gets here…  I really miss my own homemade raw granola… *sigh.

With all the missing of food going on today, it did help me focus on the point of this fast–to pray and become better acquainted with God and He jogged my thoughts to the place of the letter X.  In thinking of all the ways I could describe Him through the English alphabet, I was drawing nothing on the letter x but plays on “x” (i.e. x-cellent). Then the simplicity of that unfolded into an expansive wonderful knowing… I GOT IT!  

X– stands for the power of multiplication, magnification.  It also designates a choice I make, can show the destination I wish to arrive at, and can mean an elimination of unwanted things.  There is that thing called the x-factor–the inexplicable something special that has the power to propel the ordinary into a new dimension.  Not to mention “x” can stand for the cross…like  “cross my heart,”….(not hope to die, though) because as I promise and pledge my heart to be renewed by Him, He has so lovingly made me His for always and evermore…  And my achey cravings become supplanted by an eternal satiation.  What peace!

A blessed Resurrection season is here!

(in Biblical reckoning, 6pm is the time the new day begins…)